Saturday, July 16, 2016

Don't Get Stalked

Don't get stalked on the internet
by a guy from high school
who never dated you
and never talked to you.

Don't get stalked by anyone
unless you're drop dead gorgeous,
because why you?
What's so special about you?

What did you do, exactly,
to call his attention to you?
What were you wearing?
Did your hair look nice?

If you do get stalked, don't overreact!
Because danger is in the eye of the beholder.
I'll let you know when you're in danger.
You should just block him.

Wait, don't underreact.
He's dangerous.
Call the police.
Don't be stupid.

It's sad, isn't it?
He's mentally ill.
He needs help.
He's in crisis.

It was the war.
He's out of his mind.
I feel sorry.

Don't give him another thought.
Ignore him.
Delete his messages.
Why are you even reading them?

What's the matter with you?
Why aren't you doing this right?
Why haven't you fixed this yet?
What are you working on?

Tell me about your art.
Tell me everything you've been creating.
Oh, really?
You're busy, I guess.
Your family, maybe.
How is your garden doing?

1 comment:

  1. Jesus, so freaking powerful! I love you! I'm on your side!
